Teen Help

youth boot camps alternatives

troubled teen help school

troubled teen help

Troubled Teen Solution Overview :

Our free information includes educational booklets on how to deal with a troubled teen and booklets on recognizing the warning signs of teen drug use and teen alcohol abuse.  


The remaining information included in our free packages include information on the following types of teen help programs and teen help schools :
Private boarding school
Residential treatment centers
Behavior modification program
Therapeutic boarding school
Young adult program for youth over 18
More tough love alternatives!

The types of information that you will not find in our information include (with reasons displayed to right) :

Juvenile boot camps (These are typically government operated or chartered boot camps and have not proven to be effective in long term change in behavior patterns).

Teen boot camps : Private (Private youth boot camps are not very common in the U.S. as they are also not as effective as a treatment center or specialty boarding school.

Military schools (Typically, the staff of military schools are not as trained to deal with a troubled teen as a treatment center or specialty school.  In most cases, they do not have a therapy option and little or no after-care)

Wilderness programs / Outdoor schools (These are short term options that we feel do not equip teens with the tools for long term change.  Deaths have been occurred at numerous wilderness programs).

One thing to keep in mind is that you should consult a therapist about your decision.  


youth boot camp juvenile boot camp
teen help schools for troubled teens
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